How To Create Events and Appointments In WordPress
WordPress does not have a built-in function for managing appointments and events, but it still offers many different ways to achieve such functionality with different plugins. We are going to review the top 5 plugins that will allow you to…

Plugins Success of Your WordPress Website , Avoid too Many Plugins
How Many Plugins Are Too Many for WordPress Too many plugins installed on your WordPress site can cause many potential problems, one of which is delaying your site. Every WordPress website owner strives for maximum success. Undoubtedly, plugins are the…

How to Display Recent Blog Posts on Your WordPress Website
WordPress is well known for its high flexibility and customization of freedom. You can literally do everything that comes to your mind, and displaying your recent blog posts on different places of your website is one of those things. You…

How to Add a Post To a Page in WordPress
Creating a separate page for WordPress blog posts is something that most WordPress users want to do. By default, WordPress displays its posts on the homepage. However, this may not be exactly what you want, and you might want to…

How to Backup Your WordPress Site (Plugins you Need)
1 – Why Do You Need a Backup? 2 – What Are the Types Of Website Backups? 3 – UpdraftPlus 4 – How to Create a Backup With BackupBuddy 5 – How to Create a Complete Backup? 6 – How…

25 Years of PHP, and Why It Will Continue to Be Crucial to WordPress
PHP is celebrating its 25th birthday this week. 25 years since its creator Rasmus Lerdorf released version 1.0 of the “Personal Home Page Tools.” The language is currently known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. 80% of all the websites with known…

17 Best FREE Logo Makers to Help You Look Professional (2020)
Everyone has a Vision. The appearance gives the first impression when we get to know others. The way we look is the way others perceive us. Your business also has a Vision. And that’s your logo. Customers do not always…

WordPress Posts Vs WordPress Pages
Have you ever wondered about what is the difference between WordPress posts Vs WordPress pages? We at HowToHosting.guide will answer that in the following post, providing examples as to how they differ in function and ease of use. If you…

WordPress 5.5 Official Release: A Short Overview of New Features
Today is the official release day of WordPress 5.5. What does the new version mean for the WordPress community? Lots of new improvements mainly focused on speed, search and security, as well as more than 1500 changes to the block…

How To Install WordPress On 000Webhost
000Webhost is a reliable hosting provider, with acceptable specifications. It is very easy to set a WordPress website with it, and it is FREE. This company is a child-company of Hostinger and if you are looking for free shared hosting,…

WordPress 5.5 Block Directory Opens Submissions for Plugins
The upcoming release of the WordPress 5.5 version will include the new blocks functionality, as Beta 1 has been released publicly there is now an open call for plugin submissions. Blocks are the new way of content organization which are…

WordPress 5.5 Beta 1 Now Available
The first Beta of the WordPress 5.5 development branch has just been released for testing. Users that want to try this release should now that the software is still under development and should not be used on production sites. This…

How to Automatically Add a Google Contact From Your WordPress Forms
In this article, you’ll learn how to automatically add a Google contact from your WordPress forms. This is easily done by using the Zapier service connection and making the necessary adjustments. Advantages of Syncing WordPress Forms With Google Contacts This…

How to Add a Horizontal Line Separator in WordPress 5.4.2
In this article, you’ll learn how to easily add a horizontal line in your posts and pages. There are 2 ways of adding a horizontal line – through the Visual Editor(the easy way) and through the HTML code editor(the little…

How to Setup a Cryptocurrency Exchange on Your WordPress Site
Building a cryptocurrency site is very easy on WordPress site. This is without regard to the type of site that is powered by the WordPress engine or the entered contents. The easiest way to do is that is to use…

How to Restore WordPress to the Default Settings
Creating a WordPress website is a very creative process and if you don’t have a clear idea and a plan what you are going to build from the very beginning of your project you may come to the point where…

How to Make a WordPress Post User-Friendly: the SEO Guide
Now that you’ve launched your WordPress website, you’ll need to fill it with quality and well-organized content that’s easily “speaking” to your audience. There are a few essentials to make a WordPress post user-friendly and improve SEO on google. In…
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