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We at have gathered details about Da-Manager from various sources to give you a more complete picture about it. Thus, we have formulated an average score for you to have a quick preview of whether the hosting is worth looking into. You will find out how reliable the hosting service is, while comparing the prices for the types of hosting and what feedback people have left for it.
Name | Da-Manager |
Total Reviews | 83 |
Average Score | 4.7 |
Address | Suite 8, Acorn Mews, 20 Acorn Street , Willenhall, United Kingdom |
Server Locations | United Kingdom, France |
Number of Reviews
* 83 people have reviewed Da-Manager service provider. With this sufficient data, you are on the verge to discover what features to expect having access to.
Avg. Review Score
* By an average count of 4.7 digits from a total of five-stars, Da-Manager takes a great place on the hosting market.
Customer Support
* Da-Manager has received generally good replies in terms of their Support. It is described as helpful and responsive.
$4.56 / mo.
Disk Storage
5 GB
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel cPanel
- Number of Sites 1
$7.40 / mo.
Disk Storage
10 GB
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel cPanel
- Number of Sites 3
$9.86 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel cPanel
- Number of Sites 6
$5.54 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
- CPU 1 x 2.00GHz
- RAM 2 GB
$9.49 / mo.
Disk Storage
40 GB
Top Features
- CPU 1 x 2.00GHz
- RAM 2 GB
$14.24 / mo.
Disk Storage
80 GB
Top Features
- CPU 1 x 2.00GHz
- RAM 2 GB
View All Plans
Headquarters Full info
The main Headquarters of Da-Manager is located in Suite 8, Acorn Mews, 20 Acorn Street , Willenhall, United Kingdom. They are maintaining their servers within a highly secure data center.
Phone Missing
Da-Manager lacks a viable international number, but you should investigate further if this is relevant to you.
Pricing Cheap
Low prices are in play with every hosting plan from Da-Manager. Coupons might be active for deeper discounts.
Products A LOT
12 plans are registered with Da-Manager, which gives you a great chunk of contribution toward your hosting venture.
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Everybody behind the project always bases their knowledge on facts and strives to be reliable. That is why we firmly state that the score of 3 stars for Da-Manager is accurate and based on the sophisticated and manual sifting process from around 83 reviews. We give you our view in a format that is easy to absorb the information, while we have crunched the numbers and data from other resource areas ourselves.
Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.