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Ultifree Hosting has a score average accumulated from different places which evaluate it based on varying criteria. We at have assembled everything from reliability through customer opinions to pricing about the Hosting, from a few notable places, including our very own research. You can skim through the page to check the visual infographics and then decide if you want to read everything in-depth.
Name | Ultifree Hosting |
Total Reviews | 95 |
Average Score | 3.8 |
Server Locations | United Kingdom, United States |
Number of Reviews
* 95 people have reviewed Ultifree Hosting service provider. With this sufficient data, you are on the verge to discover what features to expect having access to.
Avg. Review Score
* As the score of 3.8 indicates, the customer-base is split on how helpful Ultifree Hosting is to them. You need to be a bit careful with your decision here.
Customer Support
* Quick, courteous and useful Support technicians stand behind the brand of Ultifree Hosting. They are consistent in resolving issues.
Unlimited Free Plan
$0.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel cPanel
- Number of Sites Unlimited
Headquarters Missing
Ultifree Hosting has not provided enough details for their address.
Phone Missing
Ultifree Hosting lacks a viable international number, but you should investigate further if this is relevant to you.
Pricing Missing
No sufficient data found in most of the customer opinions.
Products LOW
Ultifree Hosting proposes mixed bag of business-plans with 1 production of hosting implementations.
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Everybody behind the project always bases their knowledge on facts and strives to be reliable. That is why we firmly state that the score of 2 stars for Ultifree Hosting is accurate and based on the sophisticated and manual sifting process from around 95 reviews. We give you our view in a format that is easy to absorb the information, while we have crunched the numbers and data from other resource areas ourselves.
Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.