WebHost LLC – 77 Customer Reviews: Analysis (Apr 2023)

Combinatorial thinking of howtohosting.guide has led to the inclusion of modern-day graphical representation of data about WebHost LLC and our thorough analysis of sources, people’s experiences and overall worth of the services offered there. We have everything you would want to know about the host firm made available with a single glance and particulars to back it up with.

WebHost LLC Summary

WebHost LLC

Name WebHost LLC
Total Reviews 77
Average Score 4.9
Server Locations flag Singapore, flag France, flag Canada, flag Netherlands, flag United States, flag United Kingdom

Number of Reviews

* WebHost LLC has a 77 number of reviews which should be enough to generate a viewpoint about this hosting firm.

Avg. Review Score

* Scoring 4.9 on average is a confirmation on how great the workforce behind WebHost LLC are.

Customer Support

* Quick, courteous and useful Support technicians stand behind the brand of WebHost LLC. They are consistent in resolving issues.

WebHost LLC Reviews by Country

WebHost LLC reviews from United States

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 9 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from United Kingdom

Average score 4.75
Number of reviews 8 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Brazil

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 5 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from India

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 5 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Bangladesh

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 5 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Japan

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 4 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Afghanistan

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 4 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Canada

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 4 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from France

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 3 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Thailand

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 3 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Vietnam

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 2 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Malaysia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 2 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Chile

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 2 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Mexico

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 2 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Portugal

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Indonesia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Ukraine

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Costa Rica

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Romania

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Russia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Cambodia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Georgia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Estonia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from South Korea

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Netherlands

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Albania

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Singapore

Average score 1.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Italy

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Belgium

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC reviews from Australia

Average score 5.00
Number of reviews 1 reviews

WebHost LLC Plans

Starter Mini
$0.50 / mo.
Disk Storage
1 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 199.99 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Starter Basic
$0.66 / mo.
Disk Storage
2 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 199.99 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Starter Basic Plus
$1.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
3 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 300.03 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Professional Kick Start
$12.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
6 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 698.98 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Professional Foundation
$14.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
12 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 1 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Professional Growth
$24.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 1 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Professional Momentum
$55.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
30 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 1.5 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Professional Business
$90.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 2 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
NVMe Plan A
$24.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
5 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 500.02 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
NVMe Plan B
$50.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
10 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 1 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
NVMe Plan C
$100.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
DMCA Ignored – Foundation
$3.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
5 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 512 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
DMCA Ignored – Growth
$5.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
10 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 716.8 GB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
DMCA Ignored – Momentum
$7.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 1 TB
  • Panel cPanel
  • Number of Sites 1
Managed VPS Starter
$42.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Managed VPS Professional
$65.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
150 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 6 cores
  • RAM 8 GB
Managed VPS Ultimate
$95.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
200 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 8 cores
  • RAM 12 GB
Managed NVMe VPS Starter
$25.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 2 cores
  • RAM 3 GB
Managed NVMe VPS Pro
$35.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Managed NVMe VPS Ulitmate
$60.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 6 GB
Unmanaged USA Starter
$15.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 2 cores
  • RAM 2 GB
Unmanaged USA Pro
$30.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Unmanaged USA Ultimate
$40.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
150 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 8 cores
  • RAM 6 GB
Managed DMCA Ignored Starter
$75.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 2 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Managed DMCA Ignored Pro
$95.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
60 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Managed DMCA Ignored Ultimate
$115.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
80 GB
Top Features
  • CPU 4 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
Reseller Hosting (SSD) Standard
Resellers Plans
$68.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
70 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 10 TB
  • Panel WHM
Reseller Hosting (SSD) Professional
Resellers Plans
$100.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
130 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 10 TB
  • Panel WHM
Reseller Hosting (SSD) Ulitmate
Resellers Plans
$140.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
200 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 20 TB
  • Panel WHM
Reseller Hosting (NVMe) Standard
Resellers Plans
$95.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
30 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 10 TB
  • Panel WHM
Reseller Hosting (NVMe) Professional
Resellers Plans
$150.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 20 TB
  • Panel WHM
Reseller Hosting (NVMe) Ultimate
Resellers Plans
$200.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 30 TB
  • Panel WHM
Premium Reseller 50
Resellers Plans
$20.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel WHM
Premium Reseller 100
Resellers Plans
$35.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel WHM
Premium Reseller 150
Resellers Plans
$45.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
150 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel WHM
Master Reseller 50
Resellers Plans
$20.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 5 TB
  • Panel WHM
Master Reseller 100
Resellers Plans
$25.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 5 TB
  • Panel WHM
Master Reseller 150
Resellers Plans
$35.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
150 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth 5 TB
  • Panel WHM
Sectigo PositiveSSL
SSL Plans
$7.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Domain (DV) Single Domain Great for Personal Up to 256-bit encryption strength Powerful 2048-bit signature key Fully automated issuance process Can be issued and installed in minutes
  • Warranty $50,000.00
Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard
SSL Plans
$70.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Domain (DV) Wildcard Great for Personal 256-bit encryption with a 2048-bit key Encrypts one domain and all sub-domains Eliminates negative HTTP browser warnings Can be issued within minutes
  • Warranty $50,000.00
Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain
SSL Plans
$23.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Domain (DV) Multiple Domain Great for Ecommerce Industry-Standard 256-bit encryption Strong 2048-bit signature key Encrypt up to 2000 Different Domains Can be issued in just minutes
  • Warranty $50,000.00
Sectigo Multi-Domain EV SSL
SSL Plans
$230.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Extended (EV) Multiple Domain Great for Business Activates the Green Address Bar Secure up to 250 Different Domains 256-bit Industry Standard Encryption Backed by a $1,000,000 Warranty
  • Warranty $1,000,000.00
Sectigo Essential SSL
SSL Plans
$12.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Domain (DV Single Domain Great for Personal Industry-Standard 256-bit encryption Backed by a $10,000 Warranty Static Sectigo Secure Site Seal Issued in just minutes
  • Warranty $10,000.00
Sectigo Essential Wildcard SSL
SSL Plans
$81.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Domain (DV) Wildcard Great for Ecommerce Up to 256-bit encryption strength Protects one domain and unlimited sub-domains Backed by a $10,000 Warranty Static Sectigo Secure Site Seal
  • Warranty $10,000.00
Sectigo InstantSSL
SSL Plans
$28.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Organization (OV) Single Domain Great for Business Affordable Organization Authentication Up to 256-bit Encryption Strength Strong 2048-bit Signature Key Backed by a $50,000 Warranty
  • Warranty $50,000.00
Sectigo InstantSSL Pro
SSL Plans
$45.00 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Features Organization (OV) Single Domain Great for Business Organization Authenticated SSL Encryption Strength up to 256-bit Signed by a 2048-bit signature key Backed by a $100,000 Warranty
  • Warranty $100,000.00
View All Plans

WebHost LLC Information Score

Headquarters Missing
WebHost LLC is a ghost if you try to locate them geographically.
We suspect that might be the case for security concerns.
Phone Missing
WebHost LLC lacks a viable international number, but you should investigate further if this is relevant to you.
Pricing Average
Prices are more than they used to be, but still steady for renewals for WebHost LLC. You can look around at competitors to see how things stand.
Products A LOT
With an array of 46 plans, WebHost LLC has diversity of variations for you to pick from. Many are content with the available options.



Copy this result

For the reviewing of WebHost LLC we have used few, but renowned and accurate resources to manually form our data. We give you complex data made look simplistic, but informative enough for anybody to be able to form a notion about the hosting services provided. Being precise in our investigation, we are aiming to give you a highly-factual outlook on every hosting we look at. WebHost LLC has 3 stars rating out of 77 reviews among the most popular ones.

Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.

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HowToHosting.guide provides expertise and insight into the process of creating blogs and websites, finding the right hosting provider, and everything that comes in-between. Read more...

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