Mustqr Customer Reviews: Analysis of 3 Opinions

Combinatorial thinking of has led to the inclusion of modern-day graphical representation of data about Mustqr and our thorough analysis of sources, people’s experiences and overall worth of the services offered there. We have everything you would want to know about the host firm made available with a single glance and particulars to back it up with.

Hosting Summary


Name Mustqr
Total Reviews 3
Average Score 5.0
Phone 01011227811
Address Mansoura, Egypt
Server Locations flag Germany, flag Egypt, flag United States, flag United Arab Emirates

Number of Reviews

* 3 views of different people are taken into consideration when writing the current evaluation of Mustqr. They are a host that is new, but are gradually developing further.

Avg. Review Score

* Having a 5.0 average review score depicts that individuals who paid for a plan from Mustqr are happy with their choice.

Customer Support

* Support for Mustqr has been arduous one time too many. It looks like purchasers are tired with bad response-time and the inability for problem-solving.

Hosting Plans

Single Hosting
$2.75 / mo.
Disk Storage
50 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel u2013
  • Number of Sites 1
Premium Hosting
$3.95 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel u2013
  • Number of Sites Unlimited
Business Hosting
$5.95 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
  • Bandwidth Unlimited
  • Panel u2013
  • Number of Sites Unlimited

Hosting Information Score

Headquarters Full info
Mansoura, Egypt serves as the starting point for Mustqr.
Over the years, Mustqr has become accustomed to that post.
Phone Available
01011227811 is where you could contact Mustqr at. Your queries should be answered there.

Note! You, yourself should call this number to confirm it is current and so on and so on
Pricing Missing
No sufficient data found in most of the customer opinions.
No sufficient data found in most of the customer opinions.


Copy this result

Everybody behind the project always bases their knowledge on facts and strives to be reliable. That is why we firmly state that the score of 1 star for Mustqr is accurate and based on the sophisticated and manual sifting process from around 3 reviews. We give you our view in a format that is easy to absorb the information, while we have crunched the numbers and data from other resource areas ourselves.

Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.

Researched and written by:
HowToHosting Editors provides expertise and insight into the process of creating blogs and websites, finding the right hosting provider, and everything that comes in-between. Read more...

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