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On This Page: [hide] has a score average accumulated from different places which evaluate it based on varying criteria. We at have assembled everything from reliability through customer opinions to pricing about the Hosting, from a few notable places, including our very own research. You can skim through the page to check the visual infographics and then decide if you want to read everything in-depth.
Name | |
Total Reviews | 135 |
Average Score | 3.4 |
Website | |
Address | Arne Jacobsens Allé 7, København S, Denmark |
Number of Reviews
* Evidence of 135 reviews examine some of the workflow and capabilities of as a hosting. In the following lines, you will be able to determine if they sound like the company you want to be a client to.
Avg. Review Score
* has a middle rate of 3.4 points. This might be indicative of a degradation of services, so be wary.
Customer Support
* Web hosting offers of receive decent Support. Nearly half of their user base is willing to stay with, if their case is solved.
Headquarters Full info has its core base of operations in Arne Jacobsens Allé 7, København S, Denmark. Data centers are modern and running innovative technologies.
Phone Missing lacks a viable international number, but you should investigate further if this is relevant to you.
Pricing Cheap has affordable pricing for their gamut of services and people should be okay with them in every department.
Products MISSING
No sufficient data found in most of the customer opinions.
Copy this result
This review aims to show the clients’ views of from truthful hosting resources. Based on these 135 reviews we have sifted out the non-important detail manually, giving it a 2 stars rating. We are providing you with combined scoring, products, available contacts, Support impressions and pricing into a complete single page for your ease. Hopefully you will find this incredibly useful as we believe it is.
Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.