Flask Hosting 101: How and Where To Host Flask Apps

Flask is a modern web framework technology that is used alongside the Python programming language to create apps and services for the web. In order for these products to be used by web users they need to be deployed on a Flask hosting service. There are multiple advantages of using Flask technology and this article aims to give further details on how and why Flask hosting is done.

What Is Flask and Why Do You Need Flask Hosting?

Flask is a modern Python framework that allows web designers and programmers to create feature-rich applications, services and sites. It is one of the most popular technologies in the moment as it has some distinct advantages over comparable technology. It requires no additional tools or libraries to install. The programmers only need to get familiar with it in order to get started and Flask tutorials and guides are readily available over the Internet. At the moment the current recommendations for using Flask is for the server to have Python version 3 as the main environment, it can also work with Python v2.7 and Pypy.

This Python-based framework has been used with great success to create both small projects, interactive sites and complex projects. Another advantage of Flask is that it can be extended easily by merely calling the additional components using the designated code. It has been used to create both small pages to large and complex applications, some of the best known examples of Flask creations include LinkedIn and Pinterest. In order for Flask sites and services to be deployed the web hosts will need to have added Python Flask support in their hosting plans. This is one of the most common web technologies so it is assumed that most modern providers do provide it.

How Flask Hosting Is Done?

First and foremost the programmers will need to see if Python support is available in their chosen plans. Most of the companies provide this functionality by default in almost all plans however sometimes it may not be listed. Flask is available from the official Python repository and if it is not available by default it can be easily retrieved and installed. The users can choose for the ordinary “stable” version and the current development release (also called “bleeding edge”). The easiest way to download and install Flask (the “stable” branch) as a Python package is to execute the following command from the terminal/remote desktop connection on the host machine:

pip install Flask

Flask projects need to be deployed using the appropriate methods as supported by the hosting company — this can be done either by using version control systems (like git) or using other methods. Manual file upload methods might include logging in via a web panel or using software to upload the site files. A useful preliminary check before purchasing a Flask Python plan is to see if any extensions are installed and/or allowed. Flask projects are recommended to be managed in the so-called virtual environments. This means that the individual appliances and sites can be set up and configured individually — this resolves potential conflict issues and can help the programmers code easier.

Flask Python hosting should be seamless — Python is one of the widely installed technologies in all web services and just by uploading the required files and typing in the URL should be enough. In some cases the administrators will have to enable Python support which can vary from host to host — this can either be done by toggling certain options in a control panel or editing server configuration files. We recommend that Flask applications and sites to be deployed on cloud web hosting platform — they are scalable enough to support the growing needs of a dynamic application and will usually support Python and extended libraries out-of-the-box.

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