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We at have gathered details about Hebergeur discount from various sources to give you a more complete picture about it. Thus, we have formulated an average score for you to have a quick preview of whether the hosting is worth looking into. You will find out how reliable the hosting service is, while comparing the prices for the types of hosting and what feedback people have left for it.
Name | Hebergeur discount |
Total Reviews | 123 |
Average Score | 4.4 |
Address | Rue Galvani 4, Paris, France, French Republic |
Server Locations | ![]() |
Number of Reviews
* 123 Reviews about Hebergeur discount might be an unsatisfactory number for you to form a conclusion about the hosting service. Regardless, as you read on, you will find out more clues about it.
Avg. Review Score
* By an average count of 4.4 digits from a total of five-stars, Hebergeur discount takes a great place on the hosting market.
Customer Support
* A large estimate of posts complement Hebergeur discount for their subservient help. Many are seeking their Support when in need of swift fixes.
Basic plan
$0.97 / mo.
Disk Storage
100 GB
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel u2013
- Number of Sites 1
Business Plan
$2.93 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel u2013
- Number of Sites Unlimited
Gold Plan
$4.90 / mo.
Disk Storage
Top Features
- Bandwidth Unlimited
- Panel u2013
- Number of Sites Unlimited
$2.93 / mo.
Disk Storage
20 GB
Top Features
- CPU 1 x 3.00GHz
- RAM 2 GB
$4.90 / mo.
Disk Storage
120 GB
Top Features
- CPU 3 x 3.00GHz
- RAM 4 GB
Headquarters Full info
The central bed of the Hebergeur discount enterprise is standing inside Rue Galvani 4, Paris, France, French Republic. More data-centres are spread across the map for better connectivity.
Phone Missing
Hebergeur discount lacks a viable international number, but you should investigate further if this is relevant to you.
Pricing Missing
No sufficient data found in most of the customer opinions.
Products AVERAGE
Hebergeur discount offers an average collection of servicing benefits over their 5 number of plans.

Copy this result
This review aims to show the clients’ views of Hebergeur discount from truthful hosting resources. Based on these 123 reviews we have sifted out the non-important detail manually, giving it a 3 stars rating. We are providing you with combined scoring, products, available contacts, Support impressions and pricing into a complete single page for your ease. Hopefully you will find this incredibly useful as we believe it is.
Our Star Rating is optimally objective and precise, as it is based on detailed data for each hosting company.